2024 is just around the corner and it’s that time of year where we set goals, review the wins and losses of the past year and make ourselves more effective for the up-coming year. Now, I’m all about decolonising time and reclaiming the ancient cyclical calendar rather than the Gregorian one - yet the time of the new year presents us with a MASSIVE manifestation opportunity!
When millions of people across the globe are celebrating the start of a new year, you have a peak in energy; a field of possibility is created which you can tap into and harness to propel yourself into your highest timeline for the new year. This doesn’t just apply to the new year, it applies more deeply to specific astrological times and portals too - beyond numerology also the Vedic calendar.
BUT TO MAKE THINGS SIMPLE because there is all too much to learn! - let’s dive into this topic of how to manifest your 2024.
What exactly is manifestation? How do you do it? Does it even work?
You may hear yourself asking.
And the answer is yes - you are always manifesting, because whether you’re conscious of it or not, you are visualisation. You are thinking and feeling - and manifestation is your god given ability to harness your own energy to shift your consciousness. One level deeper, it is your ability to heal yourself, your ability to align with the creative life force of the universe and awaken your own. And even further from that, it is also the worship of Shakti, the source of creation.
But first, let us get over the idea that it is ‘sinful’ to want more from your life, that money is sinful or that you are unworthy of your highest dreams.
Whether you want to manifest money, health or manifest better states of mind - you can really manifest anything. No one has said that it is sinful to manifest money. The idea of sin is an Abrahamic concept. The idea of karma is a cyclical cosmic concept outlined in Vedas. Clearing your karmic patterns helps you manifest as you come into alignment with your organic spiritual frequency (We will briefly touch upon karmic cycles and dharmic frameworks in this article).
We’ve ascertained that yes - you can manifest your best life. So how do you start?
The science of manifesting your life
The universe that we live in is frequency and energy. Your thoughts and emotions are energy, your physical form is, the situations in your life and just about everything! Manifesting means consciously shifting the energy in your life to create higher realities. You can do this with various exercises for IMMEDIATE RESULTS which I will share here!
Most of your life is governed by your subconscious mind, and that’s where we store all of our repressed trauma, emotions, karmic patterns, past experiences and so forth. Let’s take the example of struggling with manifesting money for example, you could be blocked by your own subconscious beliefs that were programmed into you at a young age. An example is ‘money is demonic’ or ‘if I make money I am a bad person’ or ‘I have to struggle to make money.’ Now, on the surface you may KNOW that money is not demonic but if this belief is lodged in your subconscious mind it will limit the flow of abundance you can receive. We must understand that money is an energy and financial abundance is worshipped as Lakshmi in Hindu culture. Reprogramming your subconscious beliefs will actively shift the opportunities available to you outside, energetically OPEN you to receiving more and allow you to manifest more.
Manifesting is not just about things, it’s about your internal state and spiritual origins. Yes, you can manifest a car. But that’s just the first level of manifestation. It’s really about the you unlocking your own creative power, living in balance and feeling fulfilled. Because to manifest, you need to work on your internal state. That’s why I’ve created a free holistic manifestation guide that covers everything here.
Absolutely ANY human being can manifest better finances, better health, better freedom of lifestyle - release pain and trauma and most importantly, access the source of liberation within ourselves. This is what all ancient cultures teach us.
What manifestation methods can you use?
There are so many but here are some of the most effective.
Affirmations: this involves repeating positive statements to yourself, either writing or speaking (or even singing), in a way that reprograms your subconscious mind. Most of our limiting beliefs step from lack of self worth and disconnection with self. If, for example, you have an ingrained belief that you are unsupported and isolated in life - you can repeat “I am now loved and supported by the universe.” I combine affirmations with chakra healing methods for greater effectiveness.
Visualisation: this involves making use of your visual faculties to manifest your reality. This is necessary to first heal your internal energy system and come into alignment with higher frequencies. There are many different visualisation practices that can help you clear energetic blockages and manifest better.
Connecting to deities: in Hindu tradition, we understand that the universe is a creation of Shiva and Shakti. Modern manifestation methods often take a very ego-based approach in terms of accumulating for ourselves. We have every right to accumulate things for ourselves and have the most abundant life, at the same time for that to be in balance we must connect back to the cosmic powers. This is the point of surrender, because as long as you are deeply attached to manifesting it won’t work. Surrender and trust allow you to be supported by a higher power.
Shadow work and trauma healing: it’s hard to manifest without going into your shadow, which means the repressed aspect of your psyche. This is also parallel to clearing and healing your karmic patterns, the patterns which keep you trapped in lower realities be it your health or otherwise. There are so many aspects to shadow work, including self-introspection and repatterining.
Manifestation through ritual and ceremony: this delves into the area of creating spaces, even things like crystal healing, cacao ceremonies and so forth.
If you are ready to manifest your 2024, I’m delivering a LIVE 2.5 HOUR WORKSHOP this December 28th at 7pm IST which covers ALL of the above and gives you live experience, effective tools and methods to carry forward throughout the year. This is the only workshop to combine Vedic spiritual systems with new age manifestation and healing methods. Please click here for the details + registration!